
Showing posts from March, 2021

The folly of microservices

I’m sure I’m not the first to make some of these observations about the microservices fad, but here’s my perspective nonetheless. Microservices are definitely all the rage, and proffered as an obvious solution to the dreaded monolith. But I'm not so sure it's all that obvious. As another swing at service-orientation, which is really about composability and modularity, it has the same appeal as previous iterations. What I find disappointing about microservices is the emphasis on technologies over decomposition techniques. Its more concerned with how to run and deploy services than it is about how to identify the proper boundaries and granularity of services. It tells you how to run a service, without telling you what a service should be or do. Even when it comes to technologies, it's not a no brainer. More services and more technologies (containers, orchestrators) often means more complexity to manage, and a system that is harder to reason about. That complexity manage

RIF Notes Series Finale

“Things that can’t go on forever don’t” – Stein’s Law This will prove to be the most shocking episode ever, as it will be the last of the Reading is Fundamental series. Hackers Breach Thousands of Security Cameras, Exposing Tesla, Jails, Hospitals Has the Pandemic Transformed the Office Forever? - What’s an office for? Is it a place for newbies to learn from experienced colleagues? A way for bosses to oversee shirkers? A platform for collaboration? A source of friends and social life? A respite from the family? A reason to leave the house? Gab Has Been Breached #NoAccountability Experience Reports: Before and After Shape Up Clean Coders Planning Poker by Micah Martin BeckDesignRules Verica - Security Chaos Engineering Report Why I Barely Mention Velocity Anymore America's Most Hated Office Jargon Russell L Ackoff From Mechanistic to Systemic thinking   Left over quotes “We are often more frightened than hurt; and we suffer m

The illusion of free will is an illusion

Back and my undergraduate days, I discovered the inescapability of mechanistic determinism. I even wrote my senior thesis in philosophy on the topic or determinism and Laplace's demon . Although determinism appears to be inarguably true, I never took it much further in explaining what the implications were for free will, morality and responsibility. I had a notion that chaos theory might explain the gap between the truth of determinism and the limits of predictability. That lack of predictability was where free will dwelled, but it no more undermined determinism than the inability to predict the weather indicated consciousness in clouds. Sam Harris has been putting forth a compelling account of those implications for a while, and his latest podcast is a 45 minute walk-through of his full argument. Well worth the time.