An accident of history
This is a strange, strange election. Its always risky to talk about politics, but we are witnessing a national derangement, so I might as well act deranged. I’ve long hated political false equivalence, and I’ve essentially given up on the media as having any capability of providing objective information, performing deep and thorough analysis or acting with integrity. I find pretty much any mainstream news outlet to be purveyors of gossip, shallow ‘facts’ and sensationalism. I get my news primarily from those that mock that news (if I pay attention at all). We live in an era where every election is a 50/50 toss up. For as long as I could vote, it hasn’t seemed to matter who the presidential candidates are. We either love our candidates straight down the middle or we hate each others candidates straight down the middle. And you might have been able to make a compelling argument that that is because of party platform differences, the electoral college, the economy or some version o