RIF Notes #11
“Self-defense is not about winning fights with aggressive men who probably have less to lose than you do” – Sam Harris Four Destructive Myths Most Companies Still Live By – Some good points by the harvard business review. You only control 1/3 of your Page Load Performance! – dynatrace shows that third party content, even big players like facebook and google can be costing you on page load times. Clean up after Visual Studio - Just in case this is useful Silverlight 6 doesn't matter – Rocky provides some clarity around the fate of silverlight in regard to WinRT. Sharding vs. Having multiple databases - Ayende makes a nice distinction regarding what sharding is and isn’t. 15 Pragmatic JavaScript Tips for ASP.NET Developers Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture Implementing 5 important principles of REST using WCF Services – Nice introduction to REST for WCF. Make a distinction: Errors vs. Alerts – This one hits close to home. We have a lot of logging, excep