
Showing posts from March, 2010

Binge and Purge

A recent refactoring effort has caused me to reflect on the therapeutic nature of the ‘delete’.  As developers we’re continuously creating, building, adding and enhancing.  Pride and accomplishment are achieved through the act of creation.  We’re builders.  But like any builders sometimes in the course of building we have to tear down what was there before, and who doesn’t enjoy demolition? I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I’ve definitely felt a shift in the parts of my job that I enjoy.  Maybe its because for years I’ve stumbled around the debris and vestiges of features and functionality scattered throughout systems, not knowing why they are there or what they are for.  Maybe its because, similarly, I’ve too often encountered complexity and duplication in those systems but not felt like I had the time to do anything about it.  For those reasons and maybe others I find that I now relish the opportunity to drop a table, remove a method, combine or eliminate files and even,

Like I need another connectionstring

One of the annoyances with Entity Framework v1 is that it requires a specialized connection string. This is particularly annoying if you are introducing EF to an existing code base that already uses ADO.NET in some capacity. If you are, you already have a connection string in your app.config, web.config or machine.config that looks like this: < connectionStrings >     < add name ="EFDb" connectionString ="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=EF;Integrated Security=True" />     </ connectionStrings > Now say you want to create an Entity Model against the same database. When you create that model you get a second connection string for EF. < connectionStrings > < add name ="EFDb" connectionString ="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=EF;Integrated Security=True" /> < add name ="EFEntities" connectionString ="metadata=res://*/NoConnectDb.csdl|res://*/NoConnectDb.ssdl|res://*/NoConnectDb