RIF Notes #31
"…business staff think we can load up technical debt because they never truly see the consequences. But those consequences are there…they are just never expressed in a way that the business staff can engage with" -Steve McConnell WCF is Dead. Long live WCF! – Low budget recording of Monty’s (IDesign) presentation to a user group on simplifying WCF and the “the message is the application”. Solving the database deployment problem with Database Lifecycle Management – I’m intrigued. Scott Hanselman's Complete List of Productivity Tips What the f*** were they thinking?! Crazy website biases exposed by naughty words lists (the NSFW version) – Troy Hunt identify sites weird attempts to prevent offensive words in passwords. Code Hoarders – Uncle Bob identifies more about unclean coding practices. Personal Productivity: Business vs. busyness vs. laziness - "Excessive busy-ness is a common form of laziness." Secrets of Handling Support in an Agile Team T